The certifications

Winegrowers, certified organic winegrowers, are subject to controls by various bodies. Of course it is a heavy administrative burden, but it is a guarantee for our customers, for consumers, that the work has been done according to the rules.

Organic Certification

Since we started in the late 1990s, our soils, vineyards, olive trees, wine and oil have been certified organic. The certifying body we have chosen and which operates on the basis of European and ministerial indications is Suolo e Salute.

Approval of D.O. wines

Our wines are all DOP and IGP. Therefore our production is controlled and the wines approved by TCA-Toscana Certificazione Alimentare, the control body chosen by the Consorzio Valdarno di Sopra DOC and the Consorzio Vini Toscani IGT. On both the Consorzio Valdarno di Sopra and the TCA website, you can check the accuracy and correctness of the label on the bottle, to protect consumers.

We are also a member of...

It was natural to participate in some associations, consortia, structures operating in the territory. We are certain that one should not live in an ivory tower, but live in and with the territory and its organised representatives.

Fivi, the Italian Federation of Independent Winegrowers, brings together winegrowers, i.e. artisan producers who use their own grapes and only their own wine. FIVI is a member of CEVI, the European association of winegrowers.

The Consorzio di Tutela Valdarno di Sopra protects and promotes Valdarno di Sopra wines. Approved by the Ministry in 2011, we are among its founders.

Il Distretto Rurale del Valdarno Superiore which will soon be transformed into the Distretto Biologico del Valdarno di Sopra (Organic District of the Valdarno di Sopra), involving the municipalities and producers of the area in an action to safeguard and improve the quality of the territory and the farms that operate and produce it.

The Mercato Coperto di Montevarchi is a self-managed short supply chain initiative, where producers are present and sell their products.